Whether you have a brand new site or an existing garden we think that a little thought about how it is laid out is no bad thing! We are firm believers in getting the structure right first. If you have a garden that needs edits or changes we can recommend these and often add features where necessary that make best use of a view or aspect of the garden. For new gardens we recommend spending some time & budget in the beginning putting in structural elements that will be the canvas for your planting. Of special importance is the early placement of trees which can be growing away whilst you plan the bigger areas of the garden. Often, through over-thinking the design we waste time that trees and shrubs could be getting established in.
In thinking about garden construction think about:
- Where will the paths go to? Is the direction logical?
- Are the paths wide enough?
- Is the planting going to screen areas, hide/ reveal views – in short- does it work?
- Where are the trees that will be the key structural elements in the garden?
- Is there a place to use water in the garden – can you reflect the sky off water in a shaded area and make it come to life?
- What about gazebos, steps, gentle slopes, sculptures, arches or walls?
- What hedges can you put in now that will be a frame work in 5-6 years time?